Anyone who traverses the annals of government in search of honesty like Diogenes through the streets of Athens will be similarly disappointed. Even Honest Abe is said to have “stretched the truth now and then.” Barack Obama famously promised “if you like your healthcare, you can keep it,” which was the “PolitiFact Lie of the Year” in 2013. Bill Clinton was impeached by the House for lying under oath about an adulterous liaison with an intern. Donald Trump told the biggest lie in history — if one is to gauge by the media’s reaction — when he exaggerated the attendance of his inauguration in 2017.
As common as presidential lies are, none can match Uncle Joe in that regard. President Biden, in my opinion, lies more freely and with less consequence than any president in history. He has always been a liar, whether it's about battling someone called CornPop, or getting arrested in an attempt to see Nelson Mandela, or talking about his son Beau’s death in Iraq, Biden lies at every opportunity, especially if it's to his political or financial advantage. He is not only our most prolific presidential liar, he is also our most dangerous because his lies are supported by both the Deep State and the media.
One does not have to go back far to find evidence to support this conclusion. Just days ago we were told that despite all the guards, cameras, fingerprinting, forensic testing, etc., available to them, the Secret Service has no idea who left cocaine in a vestibule “by the basement entrance to the West Wing, one floor below the Oval Office and steps from the Situation Room” despite this area being accessible to very few people. It's a complete mystery! One would think that one of the few people with access to that area being the same person who photographed himself driving 172 mph while smoking crack would make this an easy investigation to wrap up. But apparently not.
Where’s the Caped Crusader when you need him?
Also we have the news that Ray Epps, who we are told is the victim of right-wing conspiracists who accuse him of encouraging protestors to go into the Capitol Building based on no evidence, other than multiple films of him encouraging protestors to go into the Capitol Building, is being charged by the FBI for his January 6th activities, seen here:
According to Yahoo News:
“Mr Epps was able to prove that he had left the Capitol before the violence began in earnest. A protester who had fallen ill required help away from the chaos, and Mr. Epps volunteered to help lead them out.”
How was this proven? To my knowledge, there's no footage of Epps rescuing anyone, nor is there testimony from the protester who had “fallen ill” immediately after Epps pushed past the police barricade and began running onto the Capitol grounds. What’s this person’s name? How did Epps just happen to notice his fallen comrade just seconds before going into the Capitol, as he told as many as possible he was going to do?
Epps is now being charged by the FBI for his role on January Sixth, well over two years after the so-called insurrection. What does the FBI know now that they didn't know in 2021? The charges are coupled with Epps’ lawsuit against Fox News and Tucker Carlson, which feels intentional. It may be that the FBI is going to throw some charges at Epps which he will either be found innocent, or perhaps given a light sentence like a fine and/or probation, and going forward the FBI can say they did their job and everyone can now move on. Already we see MSNBC declaring that the very fact that Epps was charged is “further dampening Fox News conspiracy theory.”
A very similar tactic was recently seen with how federal prosecutors came to a sweetheart agreement with Hunter, so my suspicion isn't unwarranted. Hunter faced very serious charges of tax evasion and illegal gun possession but was allowed to plead guilty, escaping any serious penalties. Best of all for the Bidens, this agreement appears to end all Department of Justice investigations into him. This is a great deal for the DOJ too, as they can now say to their critics that they did their job -- without truly doing their job.
Another example of how the Biden White House happily lies to us is the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline. As Seymour Hersh published on February 8th, 2023, in his Substack,
Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.
Hersh goes on to point out “In the immediate aftermath of the pipeline bombing, the American media treated it like an unsolved mystery.” Indeed, even the recent reporting that a US Navy diving boot was found near one of the Nord Stream blast sites has prompted much desire from the American media to solve this “mystery.”
When it comes to Biden, the media is reluctant to ask many very obvious questions: “How did Biden manage to take home classified documents from the National Archives as a senator?”, “Why does Biden speak of his six grandchildren when he has seven?”, “Why does Biden’s daughter Ashley speak of inappropriately showering with her dad?”, “Why is Hunter threatening Chinese businessmen with his father’s wrath if Joe has nothing to do with Hunter’s business dealings?” This is just a short list of examples.
In 1984 Orwell wrote, "If all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth." The lies from this administration, on matters big and small, personal and public, unchallenged as they are by the media, will one day become the truth; much like the legitimacy of his victory in the 2020 presidential election.
It may be that the history books that will record our times will mention CornPop as a real person.
— DK
Well said and very concise, bravo!!