Hillary Clinton's Money
Let's set aside the stink of Benghazi that still clings to her almost two years later, but can someone tell me, with our debt over $17.5 trillion, how we could even breathe Hillary Clinton's name in the same sentence as the words "Presidential nominee," when by her own admission she couldn't responsibly handle the millions she had upon exiting the White House under her husband's administration?
According to USA Today:
Clinton’s financial disclosure forms filed in 2000 show the couple had assets worth at least $781,000 and as much as nearly $1.8 million. The form, which Clinton filed as a Senate candidate, show she and her husband owed between $2.3 million and $10.6 million in legal bills at that time, according to the Associated Press. Her advance for Living History, her first memoir, was a reported $8 million.
Yes, her defenders will quickly point out that she had legal bills. But her detractors will equally point out with rapidity: they were legal bills. Bills for their defense in the White Water scandal, Bill Clinton's sexual harrassment claims via Paula Jones (and others). But not his impeachment legal fees -- you and I paid those.
It goes without saying that that kind of money makes Ms. Clinton one of the "dreaded" one-percenters; not to mention how a sum like that makes her "out of touch" (a la the criticism of Mitt Romney's "I'll bet you $10,000" to Rick Perry), but do you remember her pleas to donors to help her with her campaign debt after her ill-fated Presidential bid against Barack Obama?
If someone can't manage "a few million," pray tell me how she would manage the world's largest global economy?