Marie Stroughter is a Big, Fat, Right Wing Extremist (and She’s Dumb, Too!)
Often, on the radio show, and more frequently now in the aftermath of the NAACP Tea Party Resolution and “Sherrod-gate,” we’ve talked about the tendency of the Left to go on this vicious, ballistic, and, oh so very personal, attack on conservatives.
Last night we interviewed Michelle Malkin. Despite her journalism credentials and extensive career “in the biz,” one glance at some of the items in her Twitter feed, and those of us who still possess a modicum of “couth” have to turn away. The epithets hurled at this woman on a day-to-day basis literally make me sick to my stomach.
I’ve also discussed this trend numerous times with Allen West. He is another conservative icon whose ideology earns him names I, as a Christian woman, cannot reprint here.
So, as I have warned numerous times on the show, I’m over it. As of today, I’m playing the “Mama Card” every time the Left plays their “Incivility Card.” The “Mama Card” is akin to getting caught in a lie by your mom. Think of it as “The Look” right before she busted you out. The one that said, “you better come up with something good before I send you to your room long enough for people to forget we ever had a kid.” Let’s see it in action:
Left: You’re an idiot
The New Marie, Playing the Mama Card (“TNMPTMC”): Please explain how my lack of intelligence negates the statistic that those who disapprove of our President’s job performance outnumber those who approve?
Left: What kind of racist nutjob are you?
TNMPTMC: I didn’t realize they were classifying racist nutjobs now, however, that doesn’t address how, exactly, the President's stimulus plan helped us, given that our current unemployment rate of 9.6% is higher than it was when George W. Bush left office over 18 months ago?
Left: You fat, ugly slob! I can’t believe what a piece of crap you are!
TNMPTMC: I don’t understand how my excessive love of popcorn, my beauty regimen (or lack thereof), or my housekeeping patterns are to blame for the fact that more Americans are against the new health care law than for it?
Left: That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! All you tea waving butt-clowns care about is George Stinking Bush! It’s his fault!
TNMPTMC: Whereas I am unclear on the exact relationship two disparate words like “butt” and “clown” could possibly have with each other, I’d like to direct your focus back to the issue, and ask how that could possibly have any bearing on the fact that 48% of Americans feel President Obama is the one with extreme views?
I think you can see where I am going with this tactic. You can even skip my pithy attempts at snarkiness (but where would be the joy?), and just redirect the conversation back to the facts. One caveat: be sure to have a change of clothing on you, as this line of redirection can cause Lefty implosion…and sometimes that gets messy!