Obama, Abortion and Notre Dame – Oh My!
During last year’s campaign season, I got e-mail after e-mail from many of my African-American family members urging me to vote for Barack Obama. Most of these individuals profess a devout faith in God, as does our President.
I knew I would not be voting for Mr. Obama for many reasons, but the strongest being his utter disregard for the sanctity of life. His stand against the partial birth abortion ban, and his proclamations to vigorously defend a woman’s right to “choose,” as well as his flippant remark to Rick Warren that the issue of when life begins was “above his pay grade,” were all blatant clues as to what Mr. Obama would do when he reached office, and what, in the first few days of his administration, he did deliver in overturning the Mexico City Policy.
I sent my family members this piece by Huntley Brown, which far more eloquently describes my objections. What did I receive? More e-mails urging me to vote for Mr. Obama and suggestions I was “drinking Bush kool-aid.”
I really felt that the Brown piece might sway my family because it appealed to their Christianity. I hate the term “the Black church” because, really, it’s God’s church, and it knows no color, but I use it here to denote the special relationship the African-American community has with religion. The same God that got the Israelites through slavery in Egypt is the same God that our ancestors cried out to during American slavery. Their songs of faith in Him to deliver them from cruel treatment, and songs of longing for that day when He would call them home from a life of slavery to a life of freedom in Heaven with him, sustained them.
Considering that so many African-Americans followed their religious conviction to help California defeat same-sex marriage, which is prohibited in Scripture, I found it amazing this same community could look the other way as innocent life is legislated away – also against Scripture.
Additionally, considering that abortion providers prey on the African-American community, I thought any of my relatives professing a devout faith would be repulsed by Mr. Obama’s stand on issues that relate to abortion rights.
The Black faith-based community has reached a political cross-road: We profess a great and abiding belief in God, but still cling to an outdated belief that the Democratic Party - with its massive funding of “social programs” - represents the best interests of our community. The overarching (and erroneous) belief is that we might have to "fudge a little" on matters of faith, but the end justifies the means. "God will understand..." I'm sorry, but I don't find anything that supports that frame of reference in my Bible.
First, if you are a person of faith, Scripture tells us in Hebrews 13:8 that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means, unlike popular “mega-pastors,” His opinions never change. If I am to be taken seriously as a Christian - or as anything - I can’t be "tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine" (Eph. 4:14).
Secondly, though there are good, worthy, and notable “social programs” that deserve funding, one must also note the massive debt the Democratic Party has heaped on the backs of our community (and all communities) for generations to come. The courtship is over, and our community needs to look within, reach back to our spiritual roots and seek what is best in terms of what our God expects of us.
We suffer under a misconception that the conservative movement is for “old, white people” and that antiquated notion will keep us from aligning ourselves with those who espouse the traditional values embraced by our Creator. I am a Christian, I am a conservative, and I am of color. I seek to please God, and will vote according to the things that I know God wants. I will not say I am a Christian and vote for something He abhors, for Scripture tells us:
These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
(Proverbs 6:16-19, emphasis mine)
I realize not everyone who is a conservative is a Christian. But if you are, like I am, today’s events are deeply troubling. Our faith-based communities must look into God’s word and stand up for what is right. If we do, we can be assured of His promise to be with us:
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? (Romans 8:31)